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Why not learn something that can save your thousands?


Whether your investment dollars are currently under the management of a Financial Advisor or not, learning how to manage your assets independently is a valuable skill. The financial industry often portrays portfolio construction and management as complex and challenging ā€“ a perception that serves their business model. Drawing from my nine years as a Financial Advisor with one of the largest firms in the US and another 20 years in selling back to them, I realized that approximately 85% of my clients required minimal expertise. For such clients, I was arguably overpaid as I set up portfolios and let them sit, charging a quarterly fee based on portfolio size.

Now, leveraging my 30 years of professional investment experience, I've distilled it into easy-to-understand lessons and step-by-step instructions. In this class, I will guide you on constructing your own portfolio (Using the same process I used when establishing a portfolio for my clients). By following theĀ step-by-step workbook, you'll have a portfolio ready for implementation at a discount brokerage firm, incurring little to no cost.


Invest in YourselfĀ 


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